Geng Bas Sekolah

September 3, 2010

Gereja Kristian Pertama Malaysia

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 2, 2010 (AFP) – When Malaysia's only openly homosexual pastor announced he was establishing the nation's first gay church, the proposal was met with a torrent of outrage and criticism.

Reverend Ouyang Wen Feng faced down threats to block the plan by government and religious leaders who said it would encourage homosexuality -- still a crime punishable by 20 years in jail in the Muslim-majority nation.

The church he co-founded has however been operating quietly in suburban Kuala Lumpur for the past three years, drawing a group of gay Christians for Sunday services and bible studies.

Ouyang's battle is part of a campaign being fought on many fronts in Malaysia, where there is a growing sense of activism among the gay community which is beginning to mobilise to fight for its rights.

"We are working on encouraging more people to join the church, for Christians to come out and live authentic lives," says the pastor, who was married for nine years until he "came out" publicly in 2006.

"Whether one is gay or straight or bisexual, they are sexual orientations, it is not something we do that makes us gay."

Ouyang says the church, which also embraces bisexuals and transsexuals as well as welcoming heterosexuals to its services, wants to help the community know they are not "alone in fighting the battle".

"When I was young, how I wished someone who was good, highly admired and respected in the society could come out and tell me 'I am gay too,'," says the 40-year-old.

Homosexuality remains a social taboo across the racial and religious spectrum in Malaysia, a conservative country which is also home to large ethnic Chinese and Indian communities.

Sumber: Klik Sini

Pihak kristian sudah mula bersikap terbuka terhadap golongan gay di negara ini. Memang kita tak perlu mencampuri urusan mereka tetapi sebagai sebuah negara islam dimana islam adalah agama rasmi, perbuatan sebegini adalah tidak patut.

Malah aktiviti homoseksual juga dikategorikan sebagai jenayah dan boleh dihukum penjara. Perbuatan ini juga menyalahi norma kehidupan dan moral. Semua agama sebenarnya melarang perbuatan syaitan ini kecuali agama satu ni. Biasalah kaum ni kitab agama sendiripun diselewengkan.

Harap kerajaan dapat memantau perkara ini. Menteri Amaran? Huh Hishamudin perlu letak jawatan!

Tamat Hikayat Malaysia Heaven. Selamat sempurna yang membaca dia dan segala yang menengarkan dia, istimewa yang menyuratkan dia, dipeliharakan Allah subhanahu wataala apalah kiranya dari dunia datang ke akhirat, berkat syafaat Nabi Muhammad mustafa, sallallahu alaihi wasaalam.

1 comment:

YANG GAMBI said...

YB Raz, inilah yang diwar-warkan Anwar untuk mengembangkan Islam liberal di Malaysia...... PAS pun sudah mula berkokok waktu senja bukan sesudah subuh untuk menubuhkan sebuah negara Islam tulin...... hamPAS.....